
Internal and external brand activation for an ocular gene therapy leader.

Our challenge and opportunity

Born out of a merger between two biotechnology companies, Adverum needed to articulate its evolved strategy and the promise of its pipeline. 

Following our ALIGN Methodology, Waterhouse completed a market assessment and qualitative interviews to understand the competitive landscape and perspectives of key stakeholders. Outputs of this analysis informed Waterhouse’s recommendation to Adverum: lean in on its lead pipeline asset and indications with a singular focus as an ocular gene therapy company.
What we did
Research, brand strategy and positioning

Messaging development

Employer brand development

Visual system expansion

Corporate website

Intranet platform branding, design support and content development

Executive thought leadership

Brand imagery library

The “See Life.” campaign conveyed the potential impact Adverum’s gene therapies could deliver through functional cures that could restore vision and prevent blindness.

Adverum Logo
Adverum Brand Ad

A comprehensive visual system was developed that defined color usage, typography and photographic style to lay the foundation to tell the brand’s story.

Adverum Brand Guidlines

An employer brand strategy helped illustrate the employee value proposition for both current and prospective employees.

Adverum Environmental Graphics
Adverum Billboard

A photoshoot at the Adverum headquarters captured the everyday life of employees.

The redesigned corporate website further enhanced the campaign through campaign imagery that illustrated how Adverum’s therapies could help patients live their lives more fully – in vision, action and expression.

Adverum Website
Adverum Mobile Website

Adverum’s revamped intranet was coined “Vista,” with a proprietary wordmark that worked synergistically with its corporate brand identity.

Adverum Intranet Logo
Adverum Intranet
Thanks a million for everything. We were pleased to have partnered with you to update our brand narrative and to launch our new website.”
Anand Reddi
Head of Corporate Strategy and External Affairs & Engagement, Adverum