White Papers

How to sell your story at the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference and beyond.

Waterhouse Brands
Nov 28, 2023

What will biotech’s story be for 2024? The trends, issues and deals coming out of the 42nd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference this January will set the tone for companies and the greater life sciences sector for the year. So how will your company show up at the conference and contribute to the industry narrative? The right story will help you break through.

The annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference is a vital opportunity for biotech companies seeking the deals and funding needed to advance innovation. But with 400+ companies presenting and thousands of pitch meetings taking place over the span of four short days, cutting through the noise can be challenging.

Amidst stiff competition, it’s essential to deliver a presentation that is both informative and persuasive, leaving your audiences wanting more time with your company post-conference. To stand out, your story must be well constructed and memorable. This white paper provides critical insights and best practices to help organizations develop a winning presentation that takes your fundraising and partnership conversations to the next level.

A story is up to 22x more memorable than facts alone…Neuroscience research shows that our brains are not hard-wired to understand logic or retain facts for very long. Our brain is in fact wired to understand and retain stories.
Jennifer Aaker
Harnessing the Power of StoriesStanford Graduate School of Business

Amidst stiff competition, it’s essential to deliver a presentation that is both informative and persuasive, leaving your audiences wanting more time with your company post-conference. To stand out, your story must be well constructed and memorable. This white paper provides critical insights and best practices to help organizations develop a winning presentation that takes your fundraising and partnership conversations to the next level.

What we cover in our white paper
  • 1Is your market opportunity clear and compelling?
  • 2Does your competitive differentiation shine through?
  • 3How will your strategic roadmap generate momentum?
  • 4What impact will you make in the market you serve?
  • 5Is your company designed to go the distance?
Want to find out more?
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